Wait, Could I Be Gifted?
The Quiz!
There are countless reasons why a gifted person might not be identified as "gifted" early in life—
❓ maybe their school didn't have the resources to identify them
❓ maybe giftedness was understood in ways that weren't expansive enough
(e.g., that it's only about IQ and academic performance)
❓ maybe racism and/or other social forces undermined their identification
❓ maybe a concurrent disability or other illness masked their giftedness
❓ maybe a family member who was aware of their identification hid it
❓ or maybe there was no concept of giftedness where they grew up
Whatever the reason, not knowing this about yourself can hurt you, and becoming aware of their giftedness later in life has been life changing for many gifted people.
Giftedness isn't just a childhood phenomenon but rather denotes enduring atypicality in thought processes, emotional processing, motivation, relationships, and more.
This atypical way of being gives rise to various unique opportunities, but they often accompany significant challenges.
Learning that you're gifted can help demystify challenges that have followed you your entire life ... and help you chart a new way forward!
Before we start, know that this quiz does not offer:
❌ a comprehensive clinical assessment of giftedness
❌ a numerical representation of intelligence such as IQ
❌ a result that rates your abilities on a scale or plots them on a continuum
❌ engagement with past experiences of developmental significance
❌ a definitive appraisal of the inner workings of your mind or trajectory
❌ a focus on every form and aspect of giftedness that has been described in scholarly research
(e.g., kinaesthetic, naturalist, spiritual, etc)
❌ a design that will produce reliable results for people with restricted reflective functioning—i.e., those who regularly struggle to understand their and other peoples' mental states *
This quiz does offer:
✅ a jumping off point for self-discovery about the potential role of giftedness in the mental-emotional dimension of your life
✅ results based on how you represent your subjective experience of your thought processes, emotional processing, behaviors, and relationships from multiple predefined options
✅ quiz options and insights based on understandings of giftedness outlined in literature that is now widely used in the gifted support field *
✅ questions that address multiple facets of giftedness that may or may not apply to every gifted individual; there are no single "right" answers
✅ absolute confidentiality (your data will never be sold or used in research)
✅ resources that can help you take action on your results, including information about opportunities geared toward social groups you belong to
Sound good?
If you find that you regularly struggle to understand your and other people's mental states, this quiz may not produce reliable results. To learn more about this topic, check out this video featuring a leading theorist of reflective functioning (or "mentalization"), Dr. Peter Fonagy. Fonagy and colleagues are also developing a Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ) for clinical use.
To get a list of references, see the References and Recommended Reading sections of our free, 40-page guide Tasting the Gifted Rainbow. Don't worry, you'll have a chance to grab the guide at the end of this quiz but if you just have to access it right now, grab it here.
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