The Gifted Person's Bill of Rights


I have the right...

⭐  To choose spaces that can handle my intensity.

⭐  To rely on my own discernment about when, where, and under what circumstances I will use particular gifts.

⭐  To move at my own pace and along my own self-styled path (e.g., lightning fast, painstakingly slow, and so non-linearly that it appears I'm standing still).

⭐  To deviate from others' expectations surrounding what it means to live up to my potential and, instead, opt to express my giftedness in my own idiosyncratic way.

⭐  To desire and receive emotional support, including addressing the trauma I have experienced as a result of how my intelligence is perceived by other people.

⭐  To exist and define myself apart from other people's projections, fears, and emotional needs.

⭐  To exist in ways that challenge others' beliefs and entitlements related to people with my background and/or identities.

⭐  To rest, play, experiment, and revel in unproductive exploration that feeds my soul just because I want to.

⭐  To meet my particular needs for stimulation (e.g., intellectual) even when others view this negatively.

⭐  To shine brightly rather than dim myself to protect others from feelings of inadequacy that my light stirs up in them.

⭐  To disappoint, confuse, and otherwise disconnect from people whose expectations or demands are misaligned.

⭐  To honor my sensitivities and vulnerabilities by choosing relationships, activities, and settings that work for me.

* Crowdsourced from the Our Wild Minds Community for gifted Black adults

To get a beautiful, printable version of this list and a boatload of other resources about giftedness, grab your free copy of our 40-page guide Tasting the Gifted Rainbow!


Interview on the Positive Disintegration Podcast with Dr. Chris Wells and Emma Nicholson